Looking Forward…

Okay – a few announcements to make, but let’s release the new stories first.

To begin with, following on from the story of Doc’s trip to Chicago, Jo is spending a week on the West Coast, doing some modelling work and other things, in Jo in LA.

Next up, Mister Tall and Mister Small have been at work again, as they view some Modern Traditions,

Skybird, the creator (lest we forget) of The Pink and The red Widow, sent me an idea for a series of stories, and you can see the first in Dial-A-Fantasy.

We also have a new Mordaca story, in the form of An Unexpected Hero.

And finally for the stories this week, some more Mother and Daughter Moments.

Right – onto the other news this week.  You may or may not be aware that Goggle, who own Blogspot, are changing what may or may not appear in the blogs.  I’m not sure how the changes may affect here, but just in case I’m setting up a new update system at https://mistertallandmistersmall.wordpress.com/  If we need to move, we’re ready, but in the meantime you may wish to link to there as well – I’ll be making duplicate posts in both places for the time being.

Another effect of this is that Captain Kidnap has had to move, so his link has been updated.

We await word on the future of Damsel Theatre as well.

One other sad piece of news is that Dark Hiro has closed down his site – so that link has now been removed.

So, changes are coming – but I’ll be back, as always God willing, next week with the review of February – and more tales to amuse and entertain.

Until then, I remain,