Update 27th March – Good Lord, Three Months Down?

Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?  I’m not sure John Jacobs would agree – he’s been doing a lot of travelling recently, but it gives him time to think and remember as we see in The Cat and The Cream.

One of the places he has been is LA, with a friend, to attend the wedding of Madeline Moore and Emma Cromwell.  You can see what happened in a tale called Ladydown – and pay attention.  We’re starting to set up some important things here.

Meanwhile, the ladies who may or may not be bad have met again, as Mordaca tells Of Goats and Forgeries.

Also talking of bad – the Family of Crime certainly are, as they gatecrash One Family Night.

And finally for this week, a tale of some Morning Deliveries.

It’s Easter next week, so I’m taking a short break, but we’ll be back God Willing on Friday 10th April – with the monthly review before that.

Until then, as always, I remain,


Update 20th March – A Slight Change of Plan

I did post a tweet yesterday of what this week’s update would contain – and then I changed my mind.

Partly because I realized I had skipped a Pussycat Gang story, so I’m doing a double post today.  First up, we see what happened when Shirley holds a housewarming, and the reaction to the new Kylie and Marina, in Homecoming Queen.

And then the daughter of Clint and Susan hits the spotlight in April’s Day – while other things brew in the background…

And speaking of Shirley, a little preview of things to come as she plays by Chinese Rules.

Next up, a tale inspired by a couple of pictures from Sandra Silvers, called One Friday Afternoon.

And finally, a little tale of The Pink Widow called Taking Out the Trash.

More, as always God Willing, next week, but for now I remain,


Update 13th March 2015 – And Now For Something Completely Different

Let’s begin with a nice, gentle tale of young love, as Louise Hobson learns the merits of the Softly Softly approach.

And then we can follow that with the ladies and friends of the Pussycat Gang meeting on Independence Day, and discovering what it means to be Born on the Fourth of July.

We also have two small stories – the first of which covers some of my own interests as four young Muslim women spend a Quiet Night.

And then an works party goes wrong when there are visitors After Hours.

Finally, Tull returns with another story Discovery, Dust and Danger.

Next week, as always God willing – The Family of Crime.

Until then, I remain,


Update 6th March 2015 – From Germany to Harlow

Welcome to this week’s update – and we start with joining Carina and family as they visit the ancestral home of the Furstenheim family.  The Ghosts of Furstenheim make it a memorable trip in more ways than one…

And we go, as the post title suggests, to Harlow to find Jeannie Coming Home – and kicking off some events that will have an effect on both the Pussycats and Madame’s organisation.

Next up, after what seems an eternity we return to the hallowed halls of St Blazius School for Young Ladies, to attend a Crime School Reunion.

Talking of returns, the Faversham Fox strikes again as we drop in on The Luncheon Club.

Finally this week, Golavus tells the tale of The Mile High Abduction.

Next week, as always God willing – the return of An Education and Tull.

Until then, I remain,


Shortest Month

So how did the site fare in February 2015? Let’s have a look…

There were 13, 167 visits by 8.754 users, with a total of 43.456 page hits – not bad for a month shorter than all the others. Fifty-eight per cent were returners, and a big hello to visitors from Moldova, Peru, Luxembourg, Serbia, Qatar and Taiwan.

Looking at the referrals, it’s fascinating all the botsites that try here – I’m looking at you, bestwebsitesawards.com and buttons-for-webste.com. As for search terms – let’s have a look…

Regulation school knickers – Daylight Robbery

The babysitter found herself panty gagged and hogtied – Dominated by DNA Part 1

“she soaked” chloroform – The Kidnap Club

Indian bound and gagged stories – Sara Gets Dolled Up

School uniform bound gagged –  The Cleaners

Take her shoes off and tie her up – Barb’s Binding Holiday

Unzip her dress lacy slip – The Coffee Morning

So – to business. The top stories in terms of page hits in February were: –

Stories by KP Stories by others
Double Trouble The Perils of Babysitting by JennyGagged
Revenge – part 1 The First, Best Time in Bondage by Jim from Michigan
Birthday Girl – part 1 No Witnesses by JennyGagged
I Saw Her Standing There… Babysitter in Trouble by JennyGagged
The Reward It’s Just A Game by Anonymous
The Club – Chapter 3 The Embezzled Enodwnment part 1 by Tull
Not A Robbery – The Theatre Miss Pringle by JennyGagged
Anna in Chicago Brat Camp by JennyGagged
The Cat Comes Back Sinner, Repent! By Mordaca
Heidi at Halloween Brat camp 2 by JennyGagged
Birthday Girl – part 2 The Ethics of Crime: Chickenpox by Doctor George
Time Together The Cleaners by Tull

A question on this table, by the way – int he contributed stories, some are so popular they dominate this every month. Not that this is a bed thing, but I’ve put in bold the new entries this month.

So, in terms of time spent on the page, the top twelve were: –

  1. Bastille Day
  2. Freedom Game
  3. The Wrong Way to do the Right Thing by Mordaca
  4. Looking for a New England – chapter 4
  5. The Silver Mine by Mordaca
  6. The Gentle Touch – part 4
  7. The Gentle Touch – part 3
  8. Cat’s Eye View
  9. In The Country
  10. The Ties The Bind by Mordaca
  11. Veronica’s Open House – Chapter 2
  12. The Calm Before The Storm

So a couple of things – first a new collection of stories, called Tales to Keep You Bound, is out soon. Thirty stories, and if you have a friend who liked that film (not the Duke of Burgundy, the other one) tell them to try it.

Second, The Walrus and The Pussycats is coming – the epic tale of how Madame X with the help of Miss Panther and friends… Well, if you’ve read it on the site, it’s brought together, tidied up and will be out soon.

I will be back, as always God willing, on Friday, but for now I remain,