30th July – In Brief

Time is short this week, so let’s get right down to it, as the WABAC machine tells the tale of The Typing Pool – and I’m really sorry about the opening.

Just as sorry as our next storyteller, who speaks of when he Forced Together those he has visited.

Next up, the ladies have a weekend to remember in part 1 of Duck Soup – or as I call it, the calm before the storm.

Finally, for now anyway, A story I call Sheila’s Surprise, to honour a Twitter fan called Sheila Fell.

This will be a different week -a tale for Adam Smith will follow tomorrow or Saturday, and two summary reviews for June and July next week.  I will have more stories, as always God willing, next Friday, but for now, I remain,


23rd July – A moment of calm

This week, why don’t we start with a guest kick of the WABAC machine by Golavus, with the story of Rosie’s Charleston Caper.

Next up, a little reflective tale of one woman;s experiences on past Independence Days, called Fireworks.

There’s also a new tale from Holderness, this one involving Bridesmaids.

And next up, when a woman from a Retro clothes store is robbed, she gets interested in tales of Go-Go and Prints.

Finally, this week the ladies of the Pussycat Gang have some down time, after the end of the Mologan problem.  We will get back to them, but first they wish to spend A Night with Eve Stone.

And, as an extra treat, we finally look at life in Paris twenty years ago, and The Lost Weekend.

So next week – Andy Smith, part 1 of Operation Black Raven, as always God Willing.

Until then, I remain,


16th July – Today, more years ago than I’m going to admit…

I was born – so I thought I’d share my birthday with you by posting the latest update.

And why not start a Birthday treat with a big bang – specifically, the second part of It Started with a Big Bang.  This brings the Mologa story almost to an end – watch for the epilogue in a couple of weeks, because next week, we have two very different tales for you of the ladies…

And speaking of ladies – welcome Chase back with part 4 of The Club.  As always with Chase, we have links to some photos with her kind permission.

Also welcome back Amanda Lu with a little tale of the Lucky Victims, Unlucky Man.

An elderly woman has some youthful reminisces as she starts Looking Back.

And finally for this week, a tale of The Voyeurs as they offer some Home Education.

Next week, as always God Willing – a surprise.

Until then, I remain,


2nd July – Time to shake things up a little

with part 1 of It started with a Big Bang – as events in Mogola come to a head, and life throws some of the ladies in New York a massive curve ball.

Meanwhile, Objects of Beauty are back in business, as they look into A Question of Colour as part of their business.

Colour also plays a minor role in a little something to mark the fact it is 4th July this week, which we call Beat of The Drum.

We also drop in again on the work of Fantasy Fulfillment, with another tale of Dial-A-Fantasy.

Finally, the latest offering from the DiD Channel looks into events on One Street.

Right – there will be no update next week, for a good reason – it’s my son’s graduation.  So we’ll be back in two weeks, as always God Willing.

Until then, I remain,