20th August – Time to do a few things…

First, an apology.  I had planned other stories for this week, but life has hit a few times this month, so Amanda, Chase, and Mark – sorry.  I will get caught up.

So let’s wrap up Cassie’s holiday with part 2 of Christmas Belle.  We also wrap up the sojourn of the Pussycats in part 2 of O Canada!

And speaking of them – we made mention in a past tale of a job Madame X and her team did in Bristol.  Well, now what happened can be revealed in Respect and Response.

We also have another tale of Fantasy Fulfilment in Dial-A-Fantasy.

Next up, another batch of Mother and Daughter Moments.

And finally, a tale called Colours of my Life…

Right – it is time for my annual holiday, so – there will be no update next week, and we will be back, God willing as always, on Friday 4th September.

Until then, I remain,


13th August – Catching Up With Some Friends

Starting with Cassie Craig, as we celebrate the first part of her time as the Christmas Belle.

We also follow young Katy Carter, as the Pussycat Gang considers if she should take part in a trip north in O Canada!

A mother and daughter get a chance to enjoy The Ocean View.

And John Jacobs remembers the times when The Cat Shows Grace,

Finally with the kind permission of BootHuntress – and drop in to her place http://www.boothuntress.com and https://twitter.com/BootHuntress?lang=en-gb – we enjoy The Feel of Leather…

Next week, as always God Willing  we wrap up The Club.

Until then, I remain,


7th August – Apologies

I had promised some extra posts this week, and I didn’t – real life as usual got in the way.  Let me make up for that with this, hopefully.

So first up, Mister Tall and Mister Small pay a visit on a nice secluded house after the occupants take A Walk in the Forest.

Next, Heidi and the girls are heading south for Heidi’s Spring Break.

Two sisters are about to discover that, when their house is broken into, all they can do in the end is Wriggle Like a Snake.

Amanda Lu returns with the second part of Sibling Bonding.

And to wrap things up this week, part 2 of Duck Soup, as we put some old storylines to rest, and set up some new ones – one of which right now is proving intriguing…

I will be back, as always God Willing, next week with more stories, but until then, I remain,