The Long Hot Summer

For various reasons, too numerous to go into here, the monthly summaries of the best stories for June, July and August never appeared – so here, I’m going to give the top 12 stories for the three months, one in each table, and then the top twelve contributed stories over the whole three months. A full summary for September will come in the next week.

So for June, in terms of page hits, the top twelve stories by me were: –

  1. Double Trouble
  2. A Mother Daughter Moment
  3. The Girls in the Picture
  4. Seventies Bound – The Secretary’s Tale
  5. The Voyeurs
  6. Jenny’s Awakening
  7. The Salute
  8. Midsummer Bound
  9. The Voyeurs – Anyone for Tennis?
  10. Comings and Goings Part 3
  11. War Zones Part 1
  12. Mother and Daughter Moments 14

For July, the list looks like: –

  1. One Street…
  2. Dial-A-Fantasy 4
  3. A Question of Colour
  4. The Voyeurs – Home Education
  5. Looking Back
  6. It Started with a Big Bang part 1
  7. Bridesmaids
  8. The Lost Weekend
  9. Of Go-Go and Prints
  10. The Beat of the Drum
  11. Fireworks
  12. What are Sisters For

And finally for August: –

  1. Double Trouble
  2. Wriggle Like A Snake
  3. Mother and Daughter Moments 15
  4. The Ocean View
  5. Dial-A-Fantasy 5
  6. A Walk in the Forest
  7. Christmas Belle – Week 1
  8. Colours of my Life
  9. Forced Together
  10. Sheila’s Surprise
  11. Heidi’s Spring Break
  12. O Canada! Part 1

Finally, looking at the three months and the average time on the page, the top twelve were : –

  1. BondDay
  2. Amy’s Night In
  3. Crossed Wires
  4. Quiet Night In
  5. A Friend in Need
  6. Nirav’s Assignment
  7. Play Date
  8. Beena’s Photo Shoot
  9. Mother’s Day
  10. Where’s Cassie?
  11. Christmas Carol

I will be back Friday, as always God Willing, but until then, I remain


25th September – This Could Be Interesting

Sometimes, the stories I write take a direction I know they have to go into, but somehow, I know some people are not going to like it.  But, as a wise man once said, you cannot please all of the people all of the time.

So, when Katy and Kylie join Shirley to rob a bank in part 2 of Lead and Old Lace, what happens after…  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

And on that note, here’s a rarity – a sequel to one of the Games Player stories, as one of the mothers start Playing Her Own Games.

We also have a story of motherly love and support, which leads to her daughter saying Thank You.

We also have a new story of the man who is Not A Robber, as he visit some women who have been Shopping.

Finally, two stories from our other writers.  First, Amanda  Lu offers a tale based on headlines, of Tropical Punishment.

And secondly, please welcome Bandit and show him some appreciation for part one of The Bikini Bandit.

Next week, as always God Willing – The Panther AND The China Doll Gang.

Until then, I remain,


17th September – And now, the Deomcratic response

Sorry – I’m a closet politics buff, and events in  both America and in the UK have caught my interest this week.

Anyway – last week Patty Pickering and Rachel Rigg got into a little trouble, and met their old friend Jay Edwards.  This week, we get Jay’s side of the events, as he is invited to Think Fast, Jay Edwards!

Meanwhile, Katy Carter enters a close approximation to hell – a weekend at The Farm in part 1 of Lead and Old Lace.

Now then – want to learn the way Objects of Beauty get their lots?  Find out as we look at a Random Collection.

Amanda Lu has sent in part 3 of Sibling Bonding

And finally the Confessions of a Simple Man.

Next week, as always God willing – A new author, and Not A Robbery.

Until then, I remain,


September 11th – People Growing Up

is a common theme in the work here – and Patty Pickering and Rachel Rigg are certainly growing up, as you can read in The Perils of Patty.

As is Katy Carter, in part 2 of The Flag of Freedom.  I know some of the content of this part may upset some people – but it was the way Jenny and I could see this story going.

So why not also read a story asked for by Amanda Lu, called Caught In.

Or a tale of a holiday interrupted in the case of a Farm Break.

Last up this week – a little treat, in the form of a much loved story from the old DreamBook sites.  Please, welcome the first story of the Den Mother in Den Mother Gets Tied.  If you wish to see more – you know what to do.

Next week, as always God Willing – Objects of Beauty.

For now, I remain,


September 4th – Vacation Over

Back to work – with a story of the Thanksgiving holidays, and Abby’s first ball, in The Flag of Freedom.

We also, as promised, wrap up The Club.

Next, The Voyeurs return in a case of Maid Service.

From there, we go to Mumbai for a Coffee Morning, interrupted.

Finally for this week, the WABAC machine kicked out a tale of generations, and Top of the Pops.

Oh – and perhaps you may enjoy the latest Heidi creation in Heidi Grows Up.

I’ll be back, as always God Willing, next week, but until then, I remain,