18th March -This and That, Here and There

Apologies to all for the delay in this week’s update – let’s get straight to it, with the final part of A Tale of Three Cities, and the explosive end of the Buffalo situation.

We have two short tales – one called Substitute, and another entitled Left in Peace.


The fine people of Fantasy Fulfillment are back in another Dial-A-Fantasy,

And as for Jenny, she, Alicia and her friends are about to experience The Cardiff Trip.

And talking of the world of An Education – the new collection, entitled An Education: Lessons from History, is now available from Lulu, and other vendors soon.

Now, we will be taking a break next week, for the Easter holiday, but we will be back, as always God Willing, on April 1st, when Amanda Lu will find out what this photo has inspired


and we start a very different story from anew guest author.

Until then, I remain,



11th March – Having Celebrated Mother’s Day

in the UK at least, the time is right for some more Mother and Daughter Moments – with a very special surprise.

Also, the time is right to meet Mother again – and Father, Son and Daughter, as four women take Tea with the Family.

And Diana de Ros is an incredibly proud mother in part 2 of A Tale of Three Cities – while we also meet Adam’s mother…

What else?  How about the story of A Voice in The Night?

And finally for this week, Jay and the Challenge.

Next week, as always God willing – Objects of Beauty.

Until then, I remain,


February – The Month of Love

Ah February – so short and yet so full of romance…


Anyway – in February 2016 there were 11,276 visits by 7.491 visitors, with a total of 43,046 page hits – and that was with a skip week as well. A big hi to those who dropped in from Nicaragua, Latvia, Laos, Chile, Sudan, Thailand and Bulgaria.


Looking at search terms, the following caught my eye…


Her elbows tight behind gag – Garage Sale

Both women were gagged – Moving Pictures

Tied and gagged in back of shop by robber – Eye of theBeholder

Bound gagged policewomen – The Disappearance of WPCDrummond

Gagged for the weekend stories – Leah’s Nightmare Weekend

Her elbows touch daughter gag rope – One Family Night

Screamed into gag – Sara at the Races

Undressed for camp – The Black Wolf’s Land Excuse


So, the results for February. In terms of page hits, we have…


Stories by KP Stories by others (new stories in Italics)
Double Trouble The Perils of Babysitting by JennyGagged
Visitor from a Small Town The First, Best Time in Bondage by Jim from Michigan
A Night of Mischief No Witnesses by JennyGagged
The After Party It’s Only A Game by Anonymous
Rainy Day Games Saturday Night Ordeals by Mordaca
Dial-A-Fantasy 7 Babysitter in Trouble by JennyGagged
Happy Families – Part 2 Snoops in Prehistoric Times by Golavus
Adam and Eve – Expecting… Skiing Captives by Amanda Lu
Helen’s Awakening Navy Wives by Jim from Michigan
Happy Families – Part 3 Brat Camp by JennyGagged
Hello Nurse… Miss Pringle by JennyGagged
Getaway Den Mother Gets Tied by DenMother


And as average time on the page, we have…


  1. Home in the Range
  2. The Freedom Game
  3. Heidi’s Mystery Week part 1
  4. Chocolate
  5. Heidi in Charge
  6. Heidi on the farm part 2
  7. Four seasons in one day
  8. The Garden Party
  9. Generations 3
  10. Turkey Trot
  11. A Friendly Wager by Rayron D’Olier
  12. In Jay’s View


I will be back, as always God Willing, on Friday, but until then I remain,




OH – and a question.  If Tull gave permission, is there any interest in a WPC Drummond collection?

4th March – Tonight We Fly

First, a musical interlude

The Divine Comedy

Anyway – we move between Vienna, New York and Buffalo first in a Tale of Three Cities.

We have the return of Mordaca, in another tale of The Unreal Factor


The WABAC Machine has been watching bad television again, in a tale we call Seventies Bound – Flatmates

We also have a reflective piece called A Gentle Breeze

And finally for this week – Lisa’s Surprise, as we catch up with Lisa and Charlie Williamson.

Next week, as always God Willing – those Mother and Daughter Moments I promised.

Until then, I remain,