April 29th – Carry on, Carry on

Again, apologies for last week.  So let’s start by wrapping up The Party Girls, in San Francisco and New York.

We also have another story of Dial-A-Fantasy, involving – pizza?

Three guest stories this week, namely…

  1. Another bit of Sibling Bonding from Amanda Lu
  2. More from the Snowden State snoops in Invasions by Mister Mistofelees
  3. and Hediho talks of The Girl Next Door 


Finally, more Mother and Daughter moments.


I will be back, as always God Willing, next Friday, but for now I remain,



15th April – Life is Strange

and full of unusual things – such as the Barbie collector who has some unexpected visitors in The Doll Collector.

Or the ladies that Mordaca writes about, as one family ask the question Who Are You?

The Party Girls have one more show to walk, before they decamp to San Francisco for a ball…

And Mister Mistofelles continues the story of the Invasions.

Finally, from the DiD Channel, women Doing What They Were Told…

I will be back, as always God Willing, next Friday, but until then I remain,


Now this is frightening…

We’re a quarter of the way through the year already? Sheesh…


So, March. There were 11,445 visits by 7.479 people, and a total of 42,051 page views. Thanks to those who dropped in from Barbados, Jersey, Tunisia, Ecuador, Iran, Vietnam and Belgium – especially Belgium.   For some reason, people in South Dakota didn’t like us last month – strange…


I want to skip the search terms this month – I think they are becoming rather repetitive if truth be told – and jump straight into the top stories in terms of hits for March. The results are: –


Stories by KP Stories by others (new tales in italics)
Double Trouble The Perils of Babysitting by JennyGagged
Substitute The First, Best Time in Bondage by Jim from Michigan
Mother and Daughter Moments 19 It’s Just a Game by Anonymous
Jay and the Challenge Babysitter in Trouble by JennyGagged
Lisa’s Surprise No Witnesses by JennyGagged
Dial-A-Fantasy 8 The Unreal Factor 3 by Mordaca
Left in Peace Den Mother Gets Tied by DenMother
A Voice in the Night Leah’s Nightmare Weekend
The Cardiff Trip The Incontinent Captive by Amanda Lu
Seventies Bound: Flatmates Miss Pringle by JennyGagged
Tea with the Family Brat Camp by JennyGagged
A Gentle Breeze The Disappearance of WPC Drummond by Tull


And in terms of average time on the page…


  1. Jay’s American Trip
  2. Heidi in the Old Country
  3. Mother and Daughter Moments 13
  4. Jayes and the Masked Marvel
  5. Jayes and the Country Party
  6. Cath’s Caff
  7. MacKenzie and Marks Undercover in Austria Chapter 9 by Gillian B
  8. The Freedom Game
  9. Mother and Daughter Moments 10
  10. A Picture of You
  11. Mother and Daughter Moments 11
  12. The Red Widow part 2 by Skybird


I will be back, as always God willing, next Friday, but until then, I remain,



7th April – The Theme This Week Is…

Well, see if you can guess – starting with the return of The Gentlemen Robbers as they undertake The Gentle Commission.

Then we have a short tale of Jane and Marsha.

The Party Girls are continuing to enjoy Fashion Week, as Susan has personal and professional surprises…

And Madame X invites guests to the farm in Sister Sister.

Two contributed tales today – first up, at popular request, another tale of the Den Mother from the old Dreambook days.

And secondly, welcome Hediho with the story of Caroline’s Weekend Long Ordeal.

Next Friday, as always God Willing – more of Invasions.

Until then, I remain,


1st April – No Fooling

And we’re back, with apologies for the lateness of this update.  Let’s get started with When Chrystine met Adam and Eve.

We also meet Abby and friends as Fashion Week gets underway in the first part of The Party Girls, and some new members join the Sorority…


We have a small tale, at the request of Amanda Lu, called Caught and Mounted.


Then some more Mother and Daughter Moments.


Finally…  Please welcome to our  list of contributing writers Mister Mistoffelees, the writer of the Snowden Snoop stories.  At the end of last year, he completed a very different tale of the Snoops as adults – a very dark tale, which some will find disturbing, and even uncomfortable to read.  It is, however, a very very good story, so I invite you to try the first part of Invasions – and let us know what you think.

Finally, I have taken the liberty of making available as a complete e-book the updated and full story of George’s Journey.

Next week, as always God Willing, the update will be Thursday, and has a theme.

Until then, I remain,