24th June – Wedding Bells

are ringing out as the Games Players tie the knot, and start their married life with The Honeymoon.

And while they tour New England and the area, in New York Market Forces are heading to a boiling point.

There’s a new edition of In Their Own Words to enjoy, this time featuring a home invader with a very specific kink.

And for antoher view on a kink, you can enjoy Indian Nights.

Finally, we are proud to reproduce the tale of the Den Mother-In-Law.

Next week, as always God Willing – The Gentlemen Robbers and the Cat.

Until then, I remain,


May Memories

It occurs to me we have not reviewed the site traffic for May yet, so let’s have a look at the bare bones and the popular stories, shall we?


There were 10,741 visits by 7,128 visitors, and a total of 37,248 page views.  A big hi to visitors from Belarus, the Dominican Republic, Luxembourg, Qatar and Serbia.


No search items list this time, let’s go straight into the most popular stories on the site in May in terms of page hits.


Stories by KP Stories by others New tales in italics
Double Trouble The Perils of Babysitting by JennyGagged
Practically Perfect Patty The First, Best Time in Bondage by Jim from Michigan
Mother and Daughter Moments 22 Den Mother 3 by DenMother
When Sinthia Calls The College Vacation Trip by Hediho
Opening Day No Witnesses by JennyGagged
Ladies Choice part 2 Wedding Bound by Amanda Lu
Whatever Happened to Diana? Babysitter in Trouble by JennyGagged
Jay at the Stables The Girl Next Door by Hediho
When Heidi Met Tammy It’s Just A Game by Anonymous
EuroHELLPPP! 2016 The Snowden Snoops – Invasions part 4 by Mister Mistoffelles
Ladies Choice part 1 Den Mother Returns by DenMother
Mother and Daughter Moments 21 Sibling Bonding part 5 by Amanda Lu


While in terms of time on the page, we have: –


  1. The Two Scapegoats by Mordaca
  2. The Dating Game
  3. Party Politics
  4. Mark Plays Cupid
  5. Rosie’s Charleston Caper
  6. Internal Investigations
  7. Wedding Day Blues
  8. A Walk in the Park by Jim from Michigan
  9. American Friends
  10. And Then He Kissed Me…
  11. Jay at the Manor
  12. Robbery at Veronika’s


We’ll be back, as always God willing, Friday, but until then I remain,



17th June – A question of freedom

kind of runs through this week’s update.  For example, five women escaping for the weekend find someone has other plans – specifically for a Charity Auction.

Or it could be the freedom to express how you feel – like Frank Cottrell in Frank’s Freedom

On the other hand, another woman experiences another kind of freedom as part of Mommy’s Day In.

We also discover The Things I Do For a Story.

And finally this week, Market Forces move in New York, as two groups of women get a surprise.

Finally, may I direct your attention to the collected edition of Dial A Fantasy.

Next week, as always God Willing, we will return, but until then I remain,


10th June – I’m Back

Sorry about that – every few years I get a really bad attack of hay fever, and this year if I took tablets, it made me drowsy all day.  Anyway, it’s passed, so let’s get going.

And first off, the young couple called Adam and Eve strike again with Tonya’s Surprise.

Talking of strikes – events at the Morgan Wholesale Fish go up a level in the first part of Market Forces.

Five students have A Night to Remember, inspired by Amanda Lu’s photo.

Another woman calls Fantasy Fulfillment in the latest Dial-A-Fantasy tale – and watch for the collected edition of these tales soon.

And finally for today, Golavus tells of the Princesses Holiday.

Next week, as always God Willing – Objects of Beauty

Until then, I remain,