22nd July – Here’s The Thing…

When people share, or get together as things, fun things happen as well as sometimes the more scary situations.  We have both in the next part of Road Trip, as there is a race, and some unusual events in Ireland.

And we also have one man’s tale of discovery as to where his skills lie, as he has some Mature Thoughts.

We also go back to the 80’s for Tina’s Trials.

We also have the fifth Den Mother Tale – which competes all these famous stories I managed to save.  If there are others, let me know.

Finally, Hediho wishes to demonstrate that Revenge is Such A Nasty Thing.

I will be back, as always God Willing, next week, but for now I remain,


Vote in the latest picture poll

Let’s see if this works – first, the pictures


Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

Picture 7

Picture 8

Picture 9

Picture 10

Picture 11

Picture 12

Okay – viewed them?  Now, kindly go to https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PNWVQZM and cast your vote.  You have until 12 pm on 3rd August to vote…

9th July – Damn Weather

Apologies for the delay this week – I had to deal with a family issue yesterday.

And speaking of families, let’s wrap up the Festive season in Holderness in part 2 of Girls Night In.

Meanwhile, Ama and Nikki come to Dublin with Caroline and others gather in Sebring – included some unexpected guests in Road Trip.

We also have a generational thing in That was then, This is now.

And John Jacobs looks back to the time  of Rising Damp in The Bedsit Cat.

Finally, a slightly different tale of The Cougar House Rules.

Next week, as always God Willing, more stories, but for now I remain


2nd July – Time to Celebrate

with a wedding and a few other things first, in the form of various forms of the Road Trip.

We also have Christmas – in July? – in Holderness with the  Girls Night In

Four young ladies set off on The Hen Party,

and the Gentlemen Robbers help to fulfill some Eastern Promise

Finally Amanda Lu offers a tale that has a Graduation on Hold.

Next week, as always God Willing, that story of John Jacobs.

Until then, I remain,