25th November – A Shock to the System

is exactly what Charlotte Gordon is about to get in Best Served Cold – and I mean a big one.

Meanwhile, a Sunday afternoon is interrupted in Coming For the Ride

And a family get involved in Decoy

The Rebecca tales continue with a story of Handcuffs

And finally, Mordaca offers The Weird Encounter.

More next week, as always God willing, but for now I remain,


18th November – As I look back upon my life

good things come to mind – just ask our first narrator as he remembers Five Nights with Helen.


Or John Jacobs as The Cat Sits Back.


Rebecca also has more childhood memories – this time of Crime and Punishment.


And from Amanda Lu,  more Sibling Bonding and the start of how The Firm applies disciplinary procedures.

Finally this week, more revenge is Best Served Cold.

More, as always God Willing next week, but for now I remain


11th November – there is a saying

that revenge is a dish Best Served Cold – and that is the title of the next Pussycat Gang story, as the Sisters of Maisha both honour the fallen, and launch a campaign to avenge the attack on Laura.

Meanwhile, Rebecca and her sister have a bad case of Babysitter Blues

And talking of youngsters, some more Mother and Daughter moments.

We also have another tale from Den Mother

And finally, an Examination.

More stories, as always God Willing, next week, but for now I remain,


5th November – We All Need Time to Reflect…

and enjoy life – just ask The Collector.

Or indeed, ask the latest person to host Adam and Eve for Farm Days.

We also wind up Sins of the Past, with the Battle of Bavaria Lodge, and a few surprises…

Mordaca would like to tell you of When ‘The Games’ Were Crashed.

And finally for this week, Rebecca continues her childhood memories with Escape Artistry lessons.

We will be back, as always God willing, next week, but until then I remain,