25th December – And So That Was Christmas

My apologies to everyone – it was my intention to do this last Thursday, but – stuff happened.

Anyway, first things first – may i be the last to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and not the last to wish you a Happy New Year.

So what do i have?  First up, all month at my deviantArt page I’ve been posting flash fiction inspired by those Silent Night duct tape photos – and now you can read them all in one place.

And talking of my dA Page – I posted a story there earlier, and now here, called A Christmas Drink.  I then got a note saying what would it be like with less gagtalk – the answer is A Christmas Drink – Speechless.  You tell me which you prefer.

We have more Mother and Daughter Moments with a seasonal twist.

And even Rebecca has a Christmas tale with All Our Own Work.

And lastly this week, Charlotte gets a message from the grave in Trials and Tribulations.

Right – this will be the last update for 2016, while I take a break, so on behalf of myself and all the writers here, thank you for spending some time here with us, and I hope you enjoyed it.

We will be back, as always God Willing, on Friday 6th January, but until then, I remain,


16th December – Do you have an idol?

Patty Pickering does – as we discover when she gets a little Star Struck.

And Rebecca makes a new friend in a story called Puppet on A String.

Amanda Lu has more Sibling Bonding

And Francesca is about to discover the opportunities a new life brings in Trials and Tribulations.

Finally for this week, a case of Repeat Appointments.

We will be back, as always God Willing, next Thursday with the last update for 2016 – and if you want  a sneak preview, go to my DeviantArt page and look at Silent Night.  For now, however, I remain,


10th December – Only two weeks?

Sheesh – which means I apologize even more for the late update.

First up – a seasonal tale of Jay Edwards and team as we view Jay’s Christmas Cheer.

And one woman is about to experience a Holy Night.

Meanwhile…  The WABAC Machine has been to a familiar place, with the story of the St Monica’s Young Mothers Group.

And after the events in Marseilles and Monaco, a change of scene and life are called for for Charlotte and her mother Francesca – but it will involve Trials and Tribulations.

And finally this week, Rebecca tells of the joys of Going Out.

More, as always God Willing, next week.  For now, I remain,


2nd December – Dreams

We all have our own dreams – for example, Charlotte Gordon often must have dreamt of the mother she never knew, but now she has met her, then the concept of what is Best Served Cold is tested.

As for young Sheila in the late seventies, then she has the matter of Sheila’s Christmas Wish.

And the young lady undergoing the disciplinary action of The Firm dreams of it ending.

And as for the women caught up in Midwinter Modesty just want to know what is going on.

Finally this week, the story of how Rebecca discovered Straitjackets.

More, as always God willing, next week, but for now I remain,