24th February – Come with me on a journey

to the 1950s and small town America, as one man is invited to Tell Me A Story.

Two other people on a journey are the Games Players, as they spend a memorable Weekend Away.

In the last of her tales, Rebecca relates how she played a Wide Game.

And one woman has her own voyage of discovery, in The Awakening of Leila

And finally for new stories, we conclude Caught on Film with two very special – and unexpected – encounters.

And now, a word from our sponsor…

Now available at Lulu and all good eBook sellers – The Perils of WPC Drummond by Tull.

I will be back, as always God Willing, next week with new stories, as we start the journey to the 10th Anniversary of KP Presents in some form. Until then, I remain,


17th February – Happy Families

So Juliette is a grandmother again – and the happy event is Caught on Film.

We have a special Valentines sequel to Repeat Appointments.

And In Their Own Words discusses the benefits of togetherness.

Rebecca meets An Unexpected Hitch

And finally, some Mother and Daughter moments

More, as always God Willing, next week, but for now I remain,


10th February – There’s a film out this week

based on a surprisingly popular book.  If you want to go and see it, fine – or you can read this week’s update.

For example, in Caught on Film Juliette is summoned to Hong Kong – as Annie faces a very different day,..

We also, sadly, have the final Den Mother story – a short one, but that’s all I have folks.  I know people have enjoyed them however.

We also have the next story of Rebecca, as she gets involved in a breach of House Rules.

Next up – I have no idea what I had before writing Go Go Gone.

And finally, a small tale around a Tea Party.

More, as always God Willing, next week – including a Valentine’s story.  But for now, I remain,


3rd February – Sorry, Sorry…

I was planning to update on Sunday or Monday, but I was on a trip, and where I stayed did not have the right level of internet connection…

Anyway – onwards and upwards, and first a short tale of how something may at times need a Collect From Home.

Then we offer a tale of The Lady of Larceny.

It’s Prom Night in Holderness…

While in London, Francesca makes more arrangements, in New York it’s the Premiere of The Pussycat Gang – and we have it all Caught on Film.

Finally, Rebecca shares her memories of her bout of Chicken Pox.

More, as always God Willing, next week, but for now I remain,