24th March – Words and Pictures

My apologies for the lack of posts last week, things (and crap) happens.

So, before I say anything this week…  I know a number of people are waiting on stories, and have been waiting for some time.  I also know some stories have not been as good as they could have been.  For that, I take full responsibility – I have a job that causes me stress, and that stress has been overwhelming recently.  No excuses – I try to give the best I can, and so do all the contributors.  And we continue to do so – but I at least apologise if what I produce is not up to scratch.

Okay, self-flagellation over – please, enjoy the latest An Education tale, entitled Teaching Debbie.

Or the time the Gentlemen Robbers had to say We Interrupt Your Party...

Amanda Lu has more from Castle Bond

We have the next part of The Best Laid Plans

And finally, the tale of Denise and I

More, God (and my work situation) willing next week, but for now I remain,


12th March – sorry for the delay

Other things happened – but I think you will agree it is worth it.

For example, how about a brand new Chase File – well, part one of it, entitled Teaching The Teacher?  As always, with the kind permission of Chase, there are photos as well…

Or a new Amanda Lu story set in Castle Bond?

Meanwhile, there is a Blast from the Past

And then Lily is Coming Home.

And it’s the end of the road for one person in The Best Laid Plans.

I’ve also done a ling overdue overhaul of the Links page – removing dead ones, and updating others – including finally putting in a link to my friends at Booted Babes.  Tell them KP sent you.

Next week, as always God willing, The Gentlemen Robbers and a day at the races.

Until then, I remain,