19th May – Tonight, A Mature View

First up, to re-iterate – much as I wished to avoid it, I have to go to a fortnightly update schedule for the foreseeable future.

But I hope it is worth it.  First up, we wrap up The Best Laid Plans as Eleanor makes one or two shocking discoveries.
Then we see what happens when Christyne is one of the Strangers in the Night
And Jenny’s Special Night answers a long awaited question…
Some old school friends are invited to a very different Reunion
And finally, the next part of Castle Bond.
I will be back, God Willing, on the 3rd of June.  Oh – and if you are on VK, you may be untested in this
Until then, I remain,

5th May – Okay Then…

Apologies for last week – let’s start to make up for it with the return of Dial-A-Fantasy with a Symphony in Black

And we continue with The Best Laid Plans, as Holly is made an offer she cannot refuse…

Amanda Lu has more from Castle Bond

We have some Mother and Daughter Moments

And the China Dolls are back with The Three Temptations of Tabitha Todd.

More, as always God willing, next week, but for now I remain,