30th September – The Thing About Parties…

is secrets will come out, and relationships change – as they do in the final part of Abigail’s Party.

We also have a tale of home invasion for a Church Family and friend…

One woman has Memories of a Wet Autumn Day

And a classic tale from the old Dreambooks of Truth or Dare.

More, as always God Willing, next week, but for now, I remain,


22nd September – Okay, so I said a weekly update

and it’s been three weeks.  Mea Culpa – let me make it up to you, starting with some more short After School Special tales.

And a few new Mother and Daughter moments, where an announcement awaits.

The WABAC Machine has been back to School – Crime School.

And it is the Eighteenth birthday of Abigail de Ros in part 2 of Abigail’s Party.

Finally, Bandit offers Claire’s Submission – and awaits your comments.

We will be back, as always God Willing, next week, but for now I remain,


2nd September – An Apology and An Announcement

Okay, I’m a little bit late with this one – but I do always say God willing…

In this case, however, it was a combination of work commitments and fighting off the black dog that led to the delay, and I can only apologise for that.  Especially to anyone who follows me on the TUG forum  I’ve left stories hanging there that I need to catch up on.

Anyway – updates.  and we start the story of Abigail’s Party.  That’s a name that is going to resonate with a few people – and trust me, it is appropriate, as you will see.

We also have another look into the writing process with The Fat Man Cometh

The story of Kit’s Big Night

And finally, Maids of Dishonour will serve someone…

Now – as I may or may not have set, I have a form of dyslexia that means if I don’t set firm targets and try to meet them, problems happen.  This month has been a reminder to me of that in many ways, so I need to reset targets – including this,

Starting now, we’re going back to weekly updates on a Friday.  I don’t know how many stories each week, but we have plans,

So, God willing, I’ll be back next Friday.  Until then, I remain,