21st October – of Dogs and Monsters

Well now – something I need to say first.  As some of you will have gathered from past ramblings, I tend to suffer from stress issues, and my writing is part of my way of dealing with those issues.  Recently, however, things have been getting on top of me, to the extent even my writing has been difficult and not the release it needs to be – and if you are looking for a reason for the gaps between updates, that’s probably the number one reason.

I am trying to deal with that, but in the meantime please be patient as I try to get back on track.  Allow me this week to try and make up for it…

Starting with part 1 of Fresh Starts, as the ladies continue to celebrate Abby’s birthday, but there are major revelations concerning Agnes, Susan and many others – not the least of which is the true identity of a major character in the world of Madame X…

And talking of her, a tale of Family Modesty

And in the area of known characters, enjoy One Day at College

I wish to pay tribute to the man known as Wwwarmachine, a star of the old Dreambook days, by taking a story he started (and someone else finished badly) and doing my version of The Photographer.

There’s also a dose of The White Stuff

And finally, welcome Marcos with the first part of The Wrong Choices – a very timely tale.

I will be back, God (and the Black Dog) Willing, next weekend, but for now I remain,