25th August – A Brief Word

I have quite a few stories in development, including work for Amanda Lu and the return of Fantasy Fulfillment AND Chase, but none ready to publish yet – so for this week, please accept the next part of The Trials of Agnes McAdam,

I will be back, as always God willing, in two weeks, but until then I remain,


10th August – We made it!

Yes, we do have an update, we do have an update today…

First up, the next stage of The Trials of Agnes McAdam…  And be warned – in this part, Carina, Annie and Natalya are on the town…

The WABAC Machine has the story of The Kidnappers

The Gentlemen Robbers enjoy the sound of Willow on Leather...

And the China Doll Gang show some Understanding

Finally, a Meditation on Rope and Leather

Join us again, as always God Willing, in two weeks, but for now I remain,