22nd February -Love is not just for Valentine’s Day

and love takes many forms, as Abby and others discover in the first part of Memories

Sheila Fell, a friend from Twitter, is feeling the love, but still having a Bad Week...

But it is the season of love, in a way – so let’s observe a Spring Awakening

And a couple talk of Our First Valentine

Nadia and Tom make A Decision

I’d like to thank Josie for suggesting I write about For the Love of Thrift

And finally, friends share the joy of Dolls Together

I’ll be back, God willing with a “more tales than the schedule can hold” update next week, with Jay Edwards, Gentlemen Robbers, Adam and Eve and more, but until then, I remain,


8th February – With A Spring in my Step

and a song in my heart, we begin this week with a story of Spring Awakening

And we complete Watching the Watchmen, with the Pussycats at work and Maisha hitting a problem…

And speaking of The Pussycat Gang – I want to thank Lskrutt, who pointed out we had inadvertantly lost an earlier story.  I’ve fixed that, so you can read again if how Juliette and Shirley first met in Watching Me, Watching You

Now, what else?  Oh yeah – Amanda Lu offers the next part of Castle Bond

The men in black are spending a day as Gentlemen Farmers

Some women are Coming Home to a surprise…

And for two old friends, they remember how That was Then, This is Now

And finally, Fantasy Fulfillment are back with a tale of Maturity

We will be back, as always God Willing, on or about the 22nd, but until then, I remain,