31st May – Before I Begin

My belated thanks to all who serve our countries in their armed forces.  They deserve all the honour and respect due to them.

Right – the end of season race at Pocono is going to be every eventful, as we show why The Centre Cannot Hold

Following on from a previous story, I was asked to write a sequel, so please enjoy Adam and Eve meet Josie and Zara.  Oh – and if you read this at my dA site, this version is slightly different…

We observe the Three Nights of Amy and Andi

Jay Edwards and Mrs McPhee call one a family where they have to be respectful

And a woman reflects on why It Happened One Night

A quick word to all of you expecting stories from me, be it a bank robbery, Heidi, An Education, and others – please be patient, I am working on them, it’s just taking longer and I have little spare time at the moment.

But I will be back, as always God Willing, on the 14th of June.  Until then, I remain,


10th May – Now That May is Here…

Why not have some Dolls for Dinner?

Or perhaps you may wish to do something to raise the Maximum Ransom?

Meanwhile, preparations for Pocono continue, but a storm is coming in the next part of The Centre Cannot Hold

Mister Small and Mister Tall demonstrate the art of Gentlemen and Generations

With the kind permission of my friend at Twitter, Scarfqueen, we present Sunny Day and Night

And finally, the latest edition of In Their Own Words with tales of grandmothers…

We’ll be back, as always God Willing, in two weeks, nut until then, I remain,