22nd July – Sorry This is Late…

I was under the weather over the last week or so – so let’s start with a kick of the WABAC Machine, and the tale of The Seduction of Mandy.

Two men in black are back to show a lesson in Manners in Grey and Brown

Now, the thing about been under the weather is the mind can take a particular path – which bring me to Generations – One Night.  This is NOT a story for the easily offended – be warned…

The ladies mourn and celebrate in Heroes and Villains

And finally for this week, Amanda Lu tells of The Bikini Shot

I will be back, as always God Willing, on Saturday 3rd August, but until then, I remain,


Happy 5th of July!

We start with the long awaited return of Marcos and the latest chapter of The Wrong Choices.

Meanwhile, a true hero leaves us in the latest part of Heroes and Villains.

We offer some variations on the theme of a real life New Jersey boy in Songs in the key of MMMphh…

Two older woman have a visit from Dial-A-Fantasy

And we introduce you to Couch Life

And finally, the latest batch of Mother and Daughter moments…

We will be back, God willing and if I don’t drink too much for my birthday, on the 19th of July, but for now, I remain,