29th November – Let us give thanks

as December approaches.

First up, we rejoin the Saints and Sinners as the head to Los Angeles – unaware of The Mousetrap that is been prepared…

Why did the Selfie Snatcher bring these two women together?

Now, a friend at deviantArt, Miles Hendon, issued a challenge to write a story round a drawing he posted.  My attempt was Granny’s Tale, and incorporated another of his fine pieces of work – both of which he very kindly said we could include here.  Go visit him at his page, but here are the pictures…

Violet and Nicole by mileshendon

Betty and Molly - when the husband is not there .. by mileshendon

Now then,,,   The St Monica’s Ladies Circle may be known to some of you here, but do you know the story of their Tupperware Party

Sheila Fell and some friends have a Surprise Night

And finally for this week, Jay Edwards and Mrs McPhee spend a special day with a Japanese family…

Now, it is December 1st on Sunday, so my annual Silent Night series will be starting at my dA page.  Here, we will return, as always God willing, on the 13th of December.

Until then, I remain,


15th November – The Ides of November

start with the tale of Maggie’s War from Amanda Lu…

Fantasy Fulfilment are back with a tale of Home Invasion

The latest episode of In Their Own Words covers some modest captives…

We find why one day Five Go From College

Our counselor returns with some Home Visits...

And finally, the conclusion of the tale of Francesca di Cambrello’s past in The Italian Connection

I will be back, as always God willing, on the 29th, but until then, I remain,


1st November – Remember, Remember

we’re now in November, and we start with a tale from Amanda Lu of Summer Terror.

We then have a new episode of the After School Special

And talking of the past – we break from your regularly scheduled Pussycat Gang story to tell a tale of South Africa in 1990, and The Italian Connection.

We have a couple of seasonal tales, and first up is Trick and Treat.

And we learn How to Behave on Halloween.

The Men in Black are back, practicing Polite Detention

And finally, experience Marie’s Surprise.

I will be back, as always God willing, on the 15th of November, but for now, I remain,