19th December – It’s The Christmas Special!

with something for everyone – starting with In Their Own Words as they look at some family invasions…

We also have some more tales of the Games Players – and they will be taking a break for a while…

The China Doll Gang have a Carol for you…

We return to the Breeders Cup as The Mousetrap starts to close…

The man who is Not A Robber is back with an After Party visit…

It’s Christmas – which means we have some Silent Night small tales…

The WABAC Machine has coughed up the tale of the Office Party

Amanda Lu offers a Secondary School tale of a Wonderful Life

And finally, the Gentlemen Call

This will be the last update for the year, so once again I want to thank you for your patience, and sticking with us through these twelve months.  And my thanks to all those who have contributed to the site this last year.

May I wish you a Merry Christmas, a Prosperous New Year, and invite you to join me, as always God Willing, around the 3rd of January.  Until then, I remain,