27th March – Welcome to a new world

Not sure how long I will be able to do this weekly, but right now we have to go with the flow…

First up, Amanda Lu has a short story called From Cheers to Fears

In these times, we have John Jacobs remembering when he visited the Key People.

The Games Players have a visit across Generations.

The WABAC Machine reveals what happened One Summers Day.

Two women discover what happens when one takes A Comfort Break.

And finally, we say Goodbye, Farewell and Amen to an old friend of the Pussycat ladies.

I hope to be back, as always God willing, on the 3rd of April but until then, I remain,


19th March – When You Have Time on Your Hands…

Then I hope I can provide something to entertain you, although first up this week is Amanda Lu with another Detective Case

We have the bumper conclusion to The Mousetrap

The DiD Channel News reports on the Much Binding Festival

We have a new story of Jay Edwards and Mrs McPhee, but this time the family they visit has a member with a certain disability – one that ensures A Quiet Day

Fantasy Fulfillment are back, helping a mother and daughter to enjoy Some Enchanted Evening

Two women are treated to Dinner and A Kidnapping

And some women have their night in interrupted on Chinese New Year

Now – like many of you out there, I find myself in my day job having to work from home, which means I don’t spend 3-5 hours a day travelling right now.

Which means I have more time and energy to write – in fact, I already have more stories ready, which is my nice way of saying that, God Willing, I will be back next week, some time around the 26th of March,  So I hope to see you all then, but for now, I remain,


6th March – Family Time

Before we begin, in the Shameless Plug department, I was interviewed over at deviantArt by the legal eagle known as Rob – you can read it here.

There is a theme to most of the stories today, so I hope you enjoy at least one of them.

Starting with the first of a new series of Detective Cases from Amanda Lu…
We follow the progress of Seven Days of Games
And talking of games – next update will find the stories of The Games Players, Steve and Janna, moved to their own section, but for now enjoy the tale of when they visited a Garden Party
Some old friends have a Party Night
I had a request to do a Like Mother, Like Daughter style story set in Japan – so let’s have a tale set in the East
I was directed, through the good governance of Fiftyshadeofgag at dA, to an ad for Alexa with a family.  He had done a picture of some of them in distress – and my mind started thinking what if Mister Tall and Mister Small were to ask about Alexa
And finally this week, The Mousetrap has been sprung – but is there a way out?
I will be back, as always God Willing, on or about the 20th of March – just in time for Mother’s day here.  Until then, I remain,