28th August – Here we go again…

Starting with the latest installment of Castle Bond from Amanda Lu…

We end the Lock-In tales series with the stories kids write when we go Back to School

I had a request for a family story, where a home invasion leads to Discovery

Generations tale with a difference…

The Games Player plays a Long Game

And finally for this week, we offer the next part of Back in Time

We will be back, as always God Willing, on the 11th of September.  Until then, I remain,


7th August – It’s Hot

Ridiculously hot, like 36 Celsius hot.  A time truly, for those who like that sort of thing, for sitting in a chair with a lot of cold drinks and a story.

So try the next part of Back in Time, as fallout from the party continues…

The Games Player shows the value of Flower Power

The latest set of Lock-In Tales

The Gentlemen Robbers have a rare event today – a third visit to one person, and a case for once of Like Father, Like Daughter

The WABAC Machine has been at work, in a tale of the Wife Swap

We offer a tale of what happens Behind Closed Doors

John Jacobs remembers more times of a Cat in Boots

And finally for this week, Amanda Lu writes of  Post Lockdown Woes

I’m going to take a short vacation, but will be back, as always God willing, about the 28th of August.  Until then, I remain,