24th December – And so this is Christmas

 Yes, it’s a week late – my plans had been to post the update last week, but – well, life happened, again, but here we are…

Starting with the second set of Silent Night tales…

The latest tale of the Croonford Girls Detectives

A woman considers It’s Only Been Five Years

Krys goes on a date and Brooke enters hell in the next part of Dancing in the Dark

And finally, a tale of what might happen if The Gentlemen Robbers met a certain Barbie

On the last tale…  this has been a very strange year, and I am grateful you as my readers have stuck with me through it.  Next year, one of the things I want to do is more requests – in two particular areas.  One is these stories – if you have suggestions of people or characters my rogues gallery could visit, drop me a line.

The other is Jay Edwards and Mrs McPhee – the invitation is there for you to suggest families for them to pay a visit to, and I will try to accomodate.

Otherwise – this is the last update of 2020.  Please, accept my belated best wishes for Chanukah, Eid, Festivius or Solstice, but do allow me to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and may we all have a much, MUCH better 2021.

I’ll be back around about the 14th of January, as always God Willing.  Until then, I remain,


11th December – And Away We Go…

 into the Holiday season as we return to a quiet English town, and meet the St Monica’s Grandmothers Group.

Welcome the first batch of 2020 Silent Night vignettes…

In keeping with the season, I had a request for Jay and Mrs McPhee to spread some Christmas Cheer

A crisis arrives for Her Honour Brooke Paget in Dancing in the Dark

The Games Players have a Long Weekend away…

And finally for this week, why does Lily’s team make these women stay Around The Christmas Tree?

Join me, next week, for the last update of a – strange – year, as always God Willing.  For now, I remain,