23rd April – So S*** Happens

 In my case, that involved discovering last week my job was at risk – hence the delay to the update, and I apologize for that.

So let us begin, as the man who is Not A Robber delivers a Surprise

I did promise an untold tale of the Pussycat Gang  so enjoy the story of The Fratton Diamonds

As a request, The Games Players encounter Triple Trouble...

The DiD Channel has a special called Kurtulma

A tale of Cougars Caught

And finally for this week, the story of The Transit Bandit

EDITED Oops – forgot a tale from Amanda Lu of After The Practice.

I will be back, as always God willing, around the 7th of May, but for now, I remain,


5th April – Good News, Bad News

 Good news – I’ve just renewed the host server fees for another year, and the site will continue to remain free to you, the readers, but if you do wish to support me then you can do so by buying e-book collections at  Kev Pickering’s Books and Publications Spotlight, or if you want other ways e-mail me.

Bad news – I needed to take a long break from writing this weekend to recharge the batteries, so the next update will be on the 16th of April.  As A thank you for the wait, I promise you an untold Pussycat Gang tale… 

Until then, I remain,