25th June – Easing back in

 Not back to full speed yet, but I have a few treats for you – starting with a Dolls Tea Party conducted in silence…

I felt it was time I gave Amanda Lu her own page – so celebrate with her by reading the latest Croonford story…

We also have as a surprise Bored? from Rayron D’Olier…

The Games Player makes a rather Late Call

And finally, a new Seventies Bound tale…

I will be back, as always God Willing, in the 9th of July. Until then, I remain,


11th June – Well, that was fun…

I had a good short break, and then had my second dose of the AZ vaccine.  The good news is this time I did not feel tired and lousy.  The bad news was my arm still aches a little, but that’s bearable.

The other good news is I have had a number of offers of employment in my day job, which I’m considering at the moment.  I also had more interviews this week, so I have not done nearly as much writing as I wanted to.  So, a bigger update next time, but for now…

What happens when a burglar discovers Teddy Time?

A request story means that Lola fulfills her Dreams.

And Amanda Lu has the next part of Castle Bond.

Having said all that, I have done something I have been meaning to do for some time, and that is to tidy up and split the Relative Perils page so that the Jay Edwards and Games Players stories can have their own page now.

I will be back, as always God Willing, on the 25th of June.  Until then, I remain,