20th August – 2021 Summer Special Part 2!

Let’s start with the return of Jay Edwards and friends, as he earns The Family Trust

A professional reflects on Denim Days

We have another What If tale – this one involving ladies in grey…

I was directed to a set of photos for a request I call Scarf Silence

Mister Tall and Mister Small spend a Graduation Day at work…

I was asked what happened to The Plumbers – they are still working…

And finally for this week, we go back to the Seventies for time On The Couch

I shall be back, as always God Willing, around the 3rd of September.  Until then, I remain,


6th August – The 2021 Bumper Summer Special!

 in which we make fun of a tradition of comics of my youth.

Starting with the long delayed wedding of John Hammond and Shirley Xavier as We Are Gathered Here

After a considerable period, The Whisperer Returns

The Games Players have taken a working holiday Round Britain

A tale of a pleasant evening In The Country

A couple are forced to remember How We Met

We have a new epsiode of In Their Own Words

And last, but not least, a new Detectives Tale from Amanda Lu…

Join me again, as always God willing, in two weeks time, when I will have a new Jay Edwards tale to share.  Until then, I remain,