1st October – The autumn fire, a time for stories…

 Starting this week with a tale that shows that Size is Everything

For the second time, The Gentlemen Rpbbers find themselves in an American What If

Jay Edwards and friends interupt an older family at a Pool Party

The Games Players undertake the Cul-de-Sac challenge

One woman experiences The Hottest Night

The DiD Channel has a Tie-up Tales special…

One man tells some MILF Stories

And finally for this week, another What If story, this one with a feline twist…

I will be back, along with the conclusion of the latest Pussycat Gang story, the latest Amanda Lu tale, and the debut of a new writer, on or around the 15th of October.  As always, God Willing.

Until then, I remain,


16th September – How Fast The Time Flies…

 Belive it or not, it is the Autumnal Equinox next week, and the days are getting shorter, the nights longer.   So why not settle in and read some stories…

Such as the latest Detective Case from Amanda Lu…

Oh – and I fixed th elink to the last story as well…

Two women experience a harrowing night together

A retired secretary shares memories of the past and now…

The DiD Channel has a special of stories where Boys will be Girls

Share in The Trials of Tim

The latest Generations tale also acts as a That was Then, This is Now story…

The Games Player helps with an Escape Challenge

And finally for this week, it appears We Are Gathered Here for more than a wedding…

We will be back, as always God Willing, on the 1st of October – which means Hallowe’en is coming…

But until then, I remain,


5th September – September Blues

 Apologies for the delay this week, and the small number of new stories, but I needed a short break, so…

The DiD Channel offers a special show called Americana Redux...

Our in-house counsellor offers more case studies…

We have a second story of a burglar who now offers escape challenges

Time for the reception for John Hammond and Shirley Xavier…

And finally for this week, another Detectives Story from Amanda Lu…

I will be back, as always God Willing, around the 17th September. Until then, never forget 9/11, and I remain,