28th January – Can You Believe it?

 it’s nearly the end of January already – so why don’t we share some tales?

Starting with the tale of the Big Surprise

We visit a very special exhibit depicting Stuff of the Ages

Our family counsellor tells of some Group Therapy case studies…

The tale of Hanny’s Night

Beauty and the Best celebrate Burns Night

And finally, a new Croonford Detectives Case

We will be back, as always God Willing, around the 10th February.  Until then, I remain,


14th January – Welcome Back

Believe it or not, we reach year 14 of the blog this year, and year 16 of my writing.  Thank you for your support all those years.

A short update today, starting with a tale of 36 Hours in the life of one woman…

The Gentlemen Robbers take part in A Family Affair

A new Hijab Tale featuring Madame X…

Fantasy Fulfilment pay a visit – and Mum Comes Too

Read of the Seven Days of Simon

And finally, the last for the moment of Maggi’s Tales

I will be back, as always God Willing, aroudn the 28th of January.  For now, I remain,