24th March – March Madness

 Work, trapped nerve in my shoulder, family matters – life just isn’t fair sometimes, so let me once more make up for my absence.

This time, starting with some new Hijab Tales

An intruder tells family tales involving Night Night

A Japanese mother and daughter become Unexpected Hosts

What happened at Katy’s Sleepover

A case of FirstLight Robbery

Why were these ladies Brought Together...

The man who is Not A Robber strikes…

A new episode of In Their Own Words

A reflection on the Seven Ages of William

The Games Player celebrates St Patrick’s Day

And talking of that day, some people try Wearing the Green

Finally, Skybird continues to explore the origins of Fantasy Fulfillment

Now, a word from our sponsors – I have just renewed the site fees for the year, so we are here for a while longer.  But they have increased a bit…

So, good news first – I intend my site to remain a free resource, so I’m not going to charge for access.  Nor am I going to use Patrone or anything like that.   But if you do want to support this site, I would say the best way is to buy one of my collected works at Kev Pickering’s Books and Publications Spotlight  -new editions are coming.  Also, you will be supporting cancer research – 20% of all sales there goes to McMillain Nurses here in the UK.  If you want to consider other ways of supporting, I can be contacted at mistertallandmistersmall@yahoo.co.uk.

I will be back, God willing around the 7th of April.  Until then, I remain,