28th July – As Promised

 I did say I would have an update this week, so…

A friend from Twitter has some Down Time with her friends…

In Their Own Words has a Family Time episode…

Doing an Office Relocation? Let Objects of Beauty make the arrangements…

Jay Edwards invited Mrs McPhee and his friends to a Family Night

And finally for this week, a view of a Games Players recent visit from another angle…

I will be back, as always God Willing, on the 11th of August. Until then, I remain,


21st July – Ooops

Yes, I said fortnightly – and then I forgot my birthday weekend, so an update this week, one again next week, and THEN fortnightly…

So, first up this week, we have a tale of One Eid Evening

The joys of simply Waiting

A case of Senior Snatching

A lesson in history repeating itself…

Beauty and the Best have a Surprise for someone…

Mister Tall and Mister Small learn of a previous proponent of mannered robbery…

A Coffee Club with a difference…

And finally for this week, a very different version of Jay Edwards

I will be back, as always, God willing, next week – but until then, I remain,