22nd December – And So It Is Christmas 2023

So let me deal with the elephant in the room first.  Yesterday, deviantArt in their infinite wisdom suspended my account.  I am appealing, but past history suggests that may not be great, so for now I need to consider how new stories may get posted.  But until I make that decision, let us see what I have today…

If you want to know why I was suspended, read tales 12 and 14 in the second half of the Silent Night series for this year…

Beauty and the Best demonstrate how to Support One Another

The Gentlemen Robbers are in two tales this week, first in a Hijab Tale

And secondly as they Do Business

Our resident Family Counsellor has more tales of bringing family groups together

A family consider the question – To Serve or Be Served

The Games Player gains a little insight

Witness a Not So Silent Night

The WABAC Machine invites you to spend Christmas with the Stars

Adam and Eve visit Brenda

And the latest Croonford Detectives Case

This is the last update of 2023, and it has been a – difficult year, especially these last few weeks.  But, as always, be it Christmas or Hannukah, Kwanzaa or Festivus, Solstice or just an excuse for a party, I wish all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I will be back, as always God Willing, around the 4th of January. Until then, I remain,


1st December – It has been a few weeks

 for which I apologise – a combination of work, personal matters, and particularly over the last couple of days I managed to contract Covid.    But I have been writing…

And as it is December, why not have the first tranch of Silent Night vignettes… 

Beauty and The Best are Visitors

We Dance to the Ties of Time

Learn how to Rob the Lord of the Manor

The Cat remembers his Graduation

We see Six Nights in Surrey

Now a word about the ladies in the Pussycat Gang.  Jennifer Jay and I have been discussing matters, and we are making a bold step.

So first up today, in 2016 it is Christmas Time

And then in 2023, we ask Whatever Happened To

I hope to be back, God and Covid willing, next week – but until then, I remain,