16th March – That Was The Ides of March

 and this is our newly regular update.

Starting with some family visits, as the Games Players spend a Long Weekend

Beauty and the Best host Saturday Morning Pictures...

And Jay Edwards and Mrs McPhee are guests for a Long Night

Then we have some Mature Requests fulfilled…

The Gentlemen Robbers interrutpt Home Working

Witness the Testing of Tonya Travers

What happens On The Street Where You Live

And the latest Croonford Detectives story…

I will be back, as always God Willing, on or around the 1st of April.  Until then, i remain, 


1st March – Happy St David’s Day

 And first, I know, I know – I say I update on the 1st and the 15th, and then I miss the 15th…  Sorry…

Let me make it up to you first with a new Detective Case from Amanda Lu…

The Female Games Player makes a Home Visit

Some memories from The Burglar’s Couch

John Jacobs advises some friends and clients…

We show you How to Rob a Brokerage

And finally, Manners Maketh Gentlemen

I will be back, as always God Willing, on the 15th, but until then, I remain,